
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Bokeh Test

I absolutely love the shape of alcohol bottles, and the way that they are designed. They are designed to lure you in. Well, they definitely lure me in, and I also love taking pictures of them. When I take pictures of these bottles, the light reflects off of the glass and creates some amazing bokeh. Knowing this, I went down to our local Wal-Mart and had some fun testing out the bokeh on the 1.4 50mm. I am extremely impressed with the beautiful depth of field this lends has to offer.

Many people have asked why I haven't gotten a 50 yet. My response it that I wanted to save up for the 1.4. For those of you who don't know, the price difference between a 1.4 and a 1.8, is pretty big. You can purchase a 1.8 anywhere between $90-$100, while the 1.4 can be purchased for $520. Does the price difference really justify the .4 aperture number of difference? My answer is yes, and I've got the pictures to prove it.

Walmart Adventures

Walmart Adventures

Walmart Adventures

Walmart Adventures

Walmart Adventures

Edited and Revised by Kelly Kindall

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